Historians are often asked to
comment on the here and now, almost as much as they are on the events of the
past. Particularly in the media. The validity of such comment is, of course, a
useful point of departure for discussion, but do we give much pause to wonder
why such analysis and comment is actually being sought? Is it simply to make
some sort of sense of the here and now? Or is it merely meant to bolster and
affirm the notions on which we have founded our world view? Are we seeking to
understand? To justify? To champion, or to condemn? Or is it purely a means to
provide ‘copy’ to fill TV news bulletins and newspaper column inches?
Undoubtedly the last question is a
given, but the other questions all have a bearing on what angle that ‘copy’ maintains
and whether or not such reports simply create an unending vicious circle.
Social comment is the means by which we shape our collective worldview, it’s
what we share as much as what we differ over which makes our society what it is
– the present global world system operates in and through what we each think of
ourselves and what we think of others. And this could well be simplified to
binary opposites. Black and white. Good versus bad. Them and us, with both
sides viewing their opposite as ‘the Other.’ We define ourselves by contrast;
we are not like them, and they are not like us – but how true is this in
reality if we look a little deeper?

I doubt many readers of this blog
will not have looked aghast at the
news images this week of men in Iraq’s
second largest national museum in Mosul felling
ancient Assyrian sculptures with
sledgehammers. And rightly so. What an unthinkable thing to do! ...
And why? ... It seems so pathetic. Are they
really so afraid of inanimate objects? Are such ‘graven idols’ really an abomination
in the eyes of their ‘jealous’ God – or, more precisely, are these statues
really such a threat to that God’s legitimacy?
But to ask such questions is really
too simplistic. There must be many levels driving the motivation to perpetrate
such actions. Seeing those images my first thoughts were that these were
desperate actions. The news reports said that the Iraqi Armed Forces were now
beginning to push back against the Islamic State militias which have taken
control of these regions. Thus, presumably, in a prelude to retreat, they are
hitting out like impotent soldiers about run away. Taking a swipe at a symbol,
in a sense itself equally symbolic, as a gesture of last ditch defiance.
But again, this too might still be an
overly simplistic view. There may be more to it. They might well have destroyed
these artefacts even if they ultimately prevailed in holding that region. No
doubt it would still have been a gesture made with calculated symbolism and an
eye to attracting the attention of the world’s media.
Whilst we still know really very
little about precisely how coherently the Islamic State (or ‘Daesh’) might or
might not be organised within its ranks, we are told that they are setting
themselves up in opposition to the majority world system. Seeking a ‘medieval’ religious
‘caliphate’ in stark contrast to a modern, secular mode of Government, or even
a moderate religious one. And as such, I read with interest a
recent article
which suggested that they weren’t so much smashing their own heritage into
pieces, they were in fact smashing down the inherited or imported cultural
institution of ‘the museum’ itself – the temple of ‘secular sacred idols’ – seeing
the Western museum tradition as a colonial means of secular control. The
worship of ‘graven images’ not so much in terms of false Gods from antiquity,
but rather the false Gods of the present era – the worship of secular systems
of government, capitalist economics, and the world system which has been globally
imposed as a result of past colonialism, an ‘anti-Orientalising’ uprising of
sorts. This struck me as a valid possibility, a plausible motivation, and, as
such, a suitably manifest expression thereof.

But, then again, on the other hand,
perhaps this is going too far – simply over-reading the situation instead? After
all, it
has been shown that a current major source of funding for Islamic State
is the illegal trade in looted antiquities. In tandem with symbolic acts of
destruction, it is currently facilitating the illicit Western art trade, under the
radar so to speak, as a means of supporting itself. There’s possibly an irony
here equal to the fact that the notion of an Islamic ‘State’ itself arises from
the distinctly Western concept
of the
Nation State as an 'imagined community' (cf.
Benedict Anderson, or perhaps the
news reports regarding
wannabe jihadis reading ‘Islam for Dummies’ instead).
Perhaps these
orchestrated instances of iconoclasm are more likely to be an equally reductive
quid pro quo as are those initial
accusations of plain and simple barbarism. The same
article sought to remind
its readers of a similarly ‘iconoclastic’ image: that of the felled statue of
Saddam Hussein, the dictator deposed by the US led military invasion of 2003.
In a sense then this is perhaps a case of ‘history repeating itself’ in a never
ending and yet ever increasing fractal pattern of symbolic destruction, this
time with the boot firmly on the other foot.

The political ‘spin doctors’ no
doubt hoped the toppling of a statue of Saddam in Baghdad’s
Firdos Square would
have a similar resonance in the media as the toppling of statues of Lenin had in
Eastern Europe at the remarkable and unexpected end of the Cold War; yet what
they didn’t account for was the spontaneity and the immediate agency (i.e. – the
fact that it was done by an uprising of ordinary people) which made the
toppling of a bronze Lenin so remarkable and so memorable, similarly the binary
undoing of the toppling of a bronze Saddam was rooted in how the action came
about – for the bronze Saddam was felled not by the local Iraqis, but by the
soldiers of an uninvited and invading foreign Army. The symbolism of that fact was
unwittingly reinforced by the faux-pas which saw a US soldier first rubbing 'the
stars and stripes' in Saddam’s face before someone with a bit more media-savvy
quickly (but not quickly enough) managed to replace those colours with the flag
of the Republic of Iraq instead. All symbolic acts are meant to have a
resonance, and all of them are meant to remain in the memory – but some acts,
it seems, always return to haunt more than others.

One can’t help thinking of
Donald Rumsfeld’s shrug that in war
“stuff happens.” Take for instance, another recent news report this week which first
ran with the headline:
“The Man Who Helped Blow Up the Bamiyan Buddhas” – a classic media spin to pull the
reader in. But it wasn’t an interview with an unrepentant Taliban fighter
responsible for what is possibly the arch-iconoclastic act of violence against
ancient antiquity perpetrated in our own times (until, perhaps, we find out the
full extent of
what destruction the Islamic State fighters have done to Iraq’s
ancient sites, such as
Nimrud and
Nineveh), nor was it an interview with a
reformed and repentant Taliban who has at last seen the error of his ways –
rather it was a more pitiful and pitiable interview with an ordinary man who
happened to live near Bamiyan, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban and forced
to commit the destruction in order to evade execution and keep himself alive.
At the end of the piece he is quoted as saying:
“I regretted it at that time, I regret it now and I will always
regret it.”

These are desperate times indeed,
but they are not unprecedented; nor are they as black and white as they might
at first seem. And to point this out is not to take sides, nor to excuse either
side of such acts of cultural vandalism. It is hard to be objective rather than
purely emotional. Destroying antiquities and attempting to erase the most
important parts of our common heritage is and always should be an inexcusable crime.
But, if we wish to view our world so simplistically, we should be mindful of
how our own
reductiveness actually
blinds us to ourselves. Is rubbing a foreign nation’s flag in the face of a
toppled dictator today not akin in some senses to
the sacking of the Summer Palace outside Peking in 1860 at the start of China’s
‘Century of National Humiliation’, or smacking the head off an ancient Assyrian statue for that
matter? How is our ‘just-retribution’ more just than their ‘just-retribution’?
Is an extremist religious cult’s attempt to redefine the world system really so
unprecedented, when we think of the
Taiping Rebellion of 1850-1864? Perhaps
Islamic State is less an extremist religious ideological expression, and more
of an extreme psychological collective manifestation; as one recent perceptive
has suggested, perhaps Islamic State has more in common with David Koresh’s millenarian
death cult in
Waco, Texas in 1993 than it does with the true notions of
Dar al-Islam and
Dar al-Harb? … No, Mark Twain is probably right,
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does

I deplore all forms of aggression,
however necessary aggression might sometimes be. Think of the dilemma that
pacifists faced when confronted by the juggernaut of destruction which raged through
Europe in the form of Nazism during the last century. If anything at all is
true in the old adage that ‘history repeats itself’, now is perhaps a salient
time to ask ourselves:
what can we actually
learn from such cycles of history? Is it right to reduce our thinking to
such simplistic clichés? Especially when we have the opportunity of being more
informed and more measured in our own consideration and personal influence (via
social media, for instance) than might have been possible in the past.
Think of
all the recent media jingoism which has accompanied the centenary
commemorations of the outbreak of the First World War last year – “Lions led by Donkeys”, etc. Many
people might have thought so at the time, just as many seem adamantly sure of
it today; and, similarly, so too, many thought so when the second invasion of
Iraq was first proposed in 2003. – Cause and effect? – We reap as we sow? … Opinions
will always be divided, as will outcomes. We can never know what realities the opposite
counterfactuals might have created – What if Saddam was still in charge of Iraq
today? – What if the Berlin Wall had not fallen? … A colleague of mine (who is
only just a fraction too young to remember the last few years of the Cold War) once
remarked: “I don’t see what all the fuss
over the Cold War was all about; I mean, after all, it all turned out alright
in the end, didn’t it?” … He was
being serious too.

I might be a historian, but – it
doesn’t mean I have any clearer answers than the next person. The world, likely
as not, will always be a divided place. One person’s ‘terrorist’ will always be
someone else’s ‘freedom fighter.’ History, like the present, is filled with
seemingly unanswerable questions – but this in itself is no reason for us to
stop asking such questions, or to stop challenging ourselves to think a little
deeper than how the headlines might seek to herd us …
Islamic State is far from
‘medieval’ when one stops to consider all the many cultural and scientific
achievements of
Islamic scholars in the Middle Ages. Islamic State is a modern
phenomenon. It has not arisen in isolation seemingly out of nowhere. It has
arisen in opposition. If division is to be the default mode of human existence,
then I can only hope that one day we might at least all come to draw a line
together, and abide with one another in an understanding of the stark truth
spoken by
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, that
eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”